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Archäologischer Anzeiger 2013/2

Zeitschrift des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Zentrale Berlin

The “Archäologischer Anzeiger” publishes short articles on current research as well as reports on excavation projects of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and of specialist colleagues worldwide, plus interesting facts from the DAI. The journal focuses on topics from the Mediterranean area from prehistory to late antiquity, but also on projects outside the core area of the ancient world.

  • Editor: Friederike Fless, Ortwin Dally
  • ISBN: 978 3 8030 2351 3
  • Size: 21 x 28 cm. Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st edition, original edition


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  • The “Archäologischer Anzeiger” publishes short articles on current research as well as reports on excavation projects of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and of specialist colleagues worldwide, plus interesting facts from the DAI. The journal focuses on topics from the Mediterranean area from prehistory to late antiquity, but also on projects outside the core area of the ancient world.

    Contents of the 2nd half volume 2013: Bernhard Steinmann: Eine frühmykenische Lanzenspitze des Typs Sesklo in der Antikensammlung Erlangen – Andreas J. M. Kropp: Kings without Diadems. How the Laurel Wreath Became the Insignia of Nabataean Kings – Roberto Sabelli, Simonetta Fiamminghi, Osvaldo Garbarino Gerusalemme: La collina del Golgota prima della costruzione delle fabbriche cristiane – FIELD RESEARCH REPORTS: Felix Pirson: Pergamon. Report on the work in the 2012 campaign (with contributions by Martin Bachmann, Melanie Bartz, Helmut Brückner, Benjamin Engels, Andreas Grüner, Barbara Horejs, Sarah Japp, Daniel Kelterbaum, Anneke Keweloh, Albrecht Matthaei, Anna Pint, Johanna Propstmeier, Martin Seeliger, Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen and Kai Wellbrock – Philipp Niewöhner: New Late and Post-Ancient Monuments from Miletus and the Middle Byzantine Decay of Anatolian Urbanism (with contributions by Ortwin Dally, Ercan Erkul, Sabine Feist, Stefan Giese, Duygu Göcmen, Thomas Hintermann, Margrith Kruip, Martin Maischberger, Bartosz Raubo, Peter Schneider, Andreas Scholl, Nico Schwerdt, Veronika Sossau, Fabian Stroth, and Harald Stümpel) – Moritz Taschner, Ali Vardar: Monument Conservation and Tourist Development in Miletus. Preliminary report on the work in the 2012 campaign

  • Editor Friederike Fless, Ortwin Dally
    ISBN 978 3 8030 2351 3
    Size 21 x 28 cm. Hardcover
    Number of pages VI + 252 pages
    Illustrations 261 illustrations and one board
    Languages one essay in English, one essay in Italian, German
    Edition 1st edition, original edition
    Release April 2014


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