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Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 7, 2014

The Journal of Oriental Archaeology (ZOrA, ISSN 1868-9078) is a new foundation of the Orient Department of the German Archaeological Institute. It has been published annually since 2008. ZOrA contains detailed and fundamental contributions on the latest international research in the field of archaeology of the Levant, Mesopotamia and the Arabian Peninsula. The ZOrA represents a publication organ that places greater emphasis on supra-regional research perspectives. With the publication of ZOrA, the previous regionally oriented journals of the Orient Department, Baghdader Mitteilungen and Damaszener Mitteilungen, were discontinued.

  • Editor: Margarete van Ess, Ricardo Eichmann
  • ISBN: 978 3 8030 0221 1
  • Size: 21 x 29,5 cm. Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st edition, original edition


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  • Contents of the 7th volume: Ricardo Eichmann – Margarete van Ess: In memoriam Klaus Schmidt / MESOPOTAMIES AND REGIONALLY OVERCOMING TOPICS: Katja Piesker: Göbekli Tepe. Construction research in enclosures C and E in 2010-2012 / Sebastian Walter: Unusual animals in the art of the earliest Neolithic (PPN A). On arthropod representations from southeastern Anatolia (Göbekli Tepe, Körtik Tepe) and northern Syria (Jerf el Ahmar, Tell Qaramel) / Theodor Abt: Göbekli Tepe. Cultural Memory and the Knowledge of Nature / Rainer Michael Boehmer: An Early Night Festival in Honor of the City Goddess of Uruk, Innana / LEVANTE: Ulrike Siegel: The Construction History of the Prehistoric Settlement Tall Ḥujayrāt al-Ghuzlān, Jordan / Ferhan Sakal: Jebel el-Hamam 2010. Final Report about the Syrian-German Survey / Klaus Stefan Freyberger: The ‘Ḫaznet Fir’ūn’ (‘Ḫarābat ağ-Ğarra’) in Petra. Dating, Function and Meaning / Karin Bartl – Ghazi Bisheh – Franziska Bloch – Claudia Bührig – Hussein Saleh – Thomas Urban: Qasr Mushash: “Desert Castle” or Caravan Stop? / ARABIC HALF ISLANDS AND THEMES RELATED TO THE REGION: Christoph Gerber in collaboration with Philipp Drechsler, Deniz Yaşin-Meier, Helmut Brückner, Max Engel, David M. P. Meier, Thomas Götzelt, Julia Daitche, Dieter Hörwarthner, Adrian J. Lienig, Rosa Reising and Stefanie Tiltmann: The German-Qatari South Qatar Survey Project. The 2012-2013 Season / Philipp Drechsler: The Paleolithic and Neolithic in Southern Qatar. Insights from Two Seasons in the Field / Max Engel – Helmut Brückner: The South Qatar Survey Project (SQSP). Preliminary findings on coastal changes and geoarchaeological archives / Sarah Japp: Chronology of Sabaean pottery. Some remarks / D’Arne O’Neill: South Arabian terracotta figurines of the first millennium B.C. from the Marib Oasis and Sirwah, Yemen / Mike Schnelle: Monumental buildings of the 1st millennium B.C. at Yeha (Ethiopia) and comparative buildings in South Arabia. Architecture as a reflection of cultural transfer

  • Editor Margarete van Ess, Ricardo Eichmann
    ISBN 978 3 8030 0221 1
    Size 21 x 29,5 cm. Hardcover
    Number of pages 396 pages
    Illustrations numerous mostly colored illustrations
    Languages six essays in English, nine essays in German
    Edition 1st edition, original edition
    Release January 2015


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