The Little Chapel in the Woods, 1938-1939
As part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Works Program Administration building projects, The Little Chapel in the Woods was constructed in Denton, Texas, towards the end of the Great Depression with the help of 300 students from the Texas State College for Women and young men of the National Youth Administration. Its simple configuration holds two surprises on the interior: innovative parabolic arches, inspired by the work of Felix Candela, and student designed and manufactured stained-glass windows that assert the right of women to their fair share in modern life. A series of evaluative essays place the Chapel in the international and regional context. Reproductions from the Alexander Architectural Archive at The University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture, provide a detailed insight into the careful design of this much admired manifesto of a regional architecture by O’Neil Ford and Arch Swank.
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As part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Works Program Administration building projects, The Little Chapel in the Woods was constructed in Denton, Texas, towards the end of the Great Depression with the help of 300 students from the Texas State College for Women and young men of the National Youth Administration. Its simple configuration holds two surprises on the interior: innovative parabolic arches, inspired by the work of Felix Candela, and student designed and manufactured stained-glass windows that assert the right of women to their fair share in modern life. A series of evaluative essays place the Chapel in the international and regional context. Reproductions from the Alexander Architectural Archive at The University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture, provide a detailed insight into the careful design of this much admired manifesto of a regional architecture by O’Neil Ford and Arch Swank.
Als Teil Franklin D. Roosevelts öffentlichen Infrastrukturprogramm – dem WPA – wurde The Little Chapel in the Woods in Denton, Texas, am Ende der großen Wirtschaftskrise mit Hilfe von 300 Studentinnen der “Texas State College for Women” und jungen Männern der National Youth Administration errichtet. Der einfache Baukörper wartet im Inneren mit Überraschungen auf: innovative Parabolbögen, inspiriert von Felix Candela, und von Studentinnen entworfenen und hergestellten Kirchenfenstern, die das Recht der Frauen an einem fairen Anteil am modernen Leben reklamieren. Eine Reihe von bewertenden Aufsätzen stellt die Kapelle in einen international und regionalen Kontext. Reproduktionen aus dem Alexander Architectural Archive an der Architekturfakultät der University of Texas at Austin geben einen detaillierten Einblick in den umsichtigen Entwurf dieses viel bewunderten Manifests einer regionalen Architektur von O’Neil Ford und Arch Swank.
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