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Archäologischer Anzeiger 2016/2

Zeitschrift des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Zentrale Berlin

The “Archäologischer Anzeiger” publishes short articles on current research as well as reports on excavation projects of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and of specialist colleagues worldwide, plus interesting facts from the DAI. The journal focuses on topics from the Mediterranean area from prehistory to late antiquity, but also on projects outside the core area of the ancient world.

  • Editor: Friederike Fless, Philipp von Rummel
  • ISBN: 978 3 8030 2357 5
  • Size: 21 x 28 cm. Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st edition, original edition


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  • The “Archäologischer Anzeiger” publishes short articles on current research as well as reports on excavation projects of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and of specialist colleagues worldwide, plus interesting facts from the DAI. The journal focuses on topics from the Mediterranean area from prehistory to late antiquity, but also on projects outside the core area of the ancient world.

    Contents of the 2nd half volume 2016: Jörg Weilhartner: On the blending of gender-specific characteristics in animal representations in the glyptic of the Aegean Late Bronze Age. Ignorance or deliberate artifice? – Joseph Maran, Alkestis Papadimitriou: Against the Stream of History. The Northern Lower City of Tiryns. A failed urbanization project of the Mycenaean post-palatial period. With contributions by Daniel Fallu, Virginia García-Díaz, Annelou van Gijn, Raphael Kahlenberg, Peggy Morgenstern, Tyede H. Schmidt-Schultz, Michael Schultz, and Ruth Shahack-Gross – Ryuichi Yoshitake: The Movable Stage in Hellenistic Greek Theatres. New Documentation from Messene and Comparisons with Sparta and Megalopolis – Felix Pirson: Pergamon – Bericht über die Arbeiten in der Kampagne 2015. With contributions by Martin Bachmann (†), Catharina Blänsdorf, Helmut Brückner, Burkard Emme, Ercan Erkul, Marina Herbrecht, Karl-Uwe Heußner, Barbara Horejs, Eric Laufer, Maria Lorek, Rebekka Mecking, Arzu Öztürk (†), Anna Pint, Wolfgang Rabbel, Marlen Schlöffel, Steffen Schneider, Christoph Schwall, Anja J. Schwarz, Martin Seeliger, and Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen – Philipp Niewöhner: The Byzantine Settlement History of Miletus and Its Hinterland. Quantitative Aspects: Stratigraphy, Pottery, Anthropology, Coins, and Palynology. With contributions by Arzu Demirel, Adam Izdebski, Hacer Sancaktar, Nico Schwerdt and Harald Stümpel – Archäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin e. V. 2014/2015: Heinz-Jürgen Beste: New Insights into the Construction of Nero’s Domus Aurea – Fedora Filippi: “PROGETTO DOMUS AUREA”. The safeguarding of the monument between preservation and research.

  • Editor Friederike Fless, Philipp von Rummel
    ISBN 978 3 8030 2357 5
    Size 21 x 28 cm. Hardcover
    Number of pages VI + 388 pages
    Illustrations 367 mostly colored illustrations
    Languages German
    Edition 1st edition, original edition


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