Frank Lloyd Wright. Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe
The portfolio volumes " Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright" (Executed Buildings and Designs by Frank Lloyd Wright) are an aesthetically overwhelming summary of all of the great architect's works up to 1909 - the work has often been described as one of the most important publications on modern architecture. First published in 1910/11 by Ernst Wasmuth Verlag Berlin, the 100 plates of representations of Wright's built and unbuilt works convey the building artist's vision of "organic architecture."
- ISBN: 978 3 8030 0178 8
- Size: 38 x 24 cm, linen
- Edition:
59,90 €
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No other 20th century architect – and few in history – was able to develop his ideas and work in as coherent a form as Wright. Wright wrote an important theoretical treatise on his relationship to the Western architectural tradition, in addition to commentaries on the panels as an introduction.
A new preface by Anthony Alofsin places the work in the context of the period in which it was created. Through a meticulous examination of the relationship between Wright and the publisher, he demonstrates that the work-regardless of its impact on European architects-was conceived primarily with a view to reshaping America’s democratic architecture, and that its genesis was far more complex and dramatic than previously thought.Read in:
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Preface Anthony Alofsin ISBN 978 3 8030 0178 8 Size 38 x 24 cm, linen Number of pages 48 pages and 100 blackboards Illustrations 100 blackboards Languages German, English Release 1998