Art + Culture
Books about all forms of free and applied art have been published by WASMUTH in the last 145 years: from “Wasmuths Kunstheften” (starting in 1918) to H. Th. Bossert’s „Geschichte des Kunstgewerbes aller Zeiten und Völker”,“Das Möbelwerk”, “Das Eisenwerk”, “Das Textilwerk” to Yves Saint Laurent and René Gruau. The Deutsche Werkbund (German Association of Craftsmen) became a focus of interest for the publisher in 1914.
Germano Celant’s “Ars Povera“ was the very first documentation of this subject, while the same is true for a luxury volume about Roy Lichtenstein or Dani Karavan’s catalogue book for his exhibition in the Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin. But also younger artists like Marlis Albrecht, Isa Dahl, Gyjho Frank, Markus Merkle, Eric Sturm, Axel Teichmann or Tesfaye Urgessa have appeared in the program.