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Südarabien im Altertum

Kommentierte Bibliographie der Jahre 1997 bis 2011

Epigraphic Research on the Arabian Peninsula (ISSN 1437-6571), Volume 6; edited by Norbert Nebes on behalf of the German Archaeological Institute, Orient Department.

  • Author: Walter W. Müller
  • ISBN: 978 3 8030 2202 8
  • Size: 21 x 30 cm. Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st edition, original edition


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  • “Südarabien in Altertum. Ausgewählte und kommentierte Bibliographie der Jahre 1997 bis 2011” is the continuation of a volume published in 2001, in which the literature from the years 1973 to 1996 is included. In the present volume 999 titles, i.e. monographs, essays and encyclopedia articles, which were published worldwide in the mentioned period, are bibliographically recorded and briefly commented. Not only publications in German, English, French and Italian, but also in Russian and Arabic were taken into account. Titles from earlier years first appeared in the bibliographical section of the journal Archiv für Orientforschung, Vienna, on a year-by-year basis, up to the literature of the year 2007, which was published in AfO 52 (2011). The bibliography is entitled Selected because archaeological contributions not directly related to the ancient South Arabian advanced civilizations were generally not or only rarely included. In contrast, an attempt was made to achieve completeness in the field of epigraphy.

  • Author Walter W. Müller
    ISBN 978 3 8030 2202 8
    Size 21 x 30 cm. Hardcover
    Languages German
    Edition 1st edition, original edition
    Release June 2014


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